Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Taking a break from blogging for a few days.

Apologies in advance to anyone who has posted a comment for the late response.



Anonymous said...

Dear John,

Interesting blog you've got here. We also have a blog called Labourinlabour which deals with the workings of the local Labour party politics. Labourinlabour is a virtual tazebao (as we fondly call it)dedicated to an open real-time discussion of the Malta Labour Party’s quest to choose the best possible leader to replace Alfred Sant who resigned following the Party’s electoral defeat of March 8, 2008. It is run by a growing team of mostly young persons. What these young men and women have in common is an open-ness to dialogue and a readiness to go wherever it might take them, without preconceptions. You might like to visit it and leave a passing comment. It would be fantastic to hear from a neighbouring Labourite and a trade-unionist like you!

We also just published a fresh editorial The Xarabank Survey: Unspinning the spin (1) which focuses on the local Xarabank survey of last Friday. Come tell us what you think, also of previous posts that might interst you.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Jenny Galea
The Caretaker for

John Gray said...

Hi Jenny
Thanks for the invite. I have had a look at your site and I thought it was very interesting. I must admit that I know very little about Maltese Politics. Good luck with the search for a new leader!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment John. Was nice of you to visit. Please do keep in contact and come take a peek at our blog sometimes. We'd love to hear form you again.



John Gray said...

Hi Jenny

Don't worry - will do!!!