Wednesday, January 06, 2010

BNP email from “Cheshire Cat”

This evening I received a rather “odd” email from someone, who after a bit of digging, I now know to be a BNP activist in North West England (not called as claimed in the email “Charles Atlas”!). Which I suppose explains everything.

But surely in this email he cannot mean me!..."you sound to (sic) good to be have to (sic) many fingers in to(sic) many certainly like to blow your own trumpet don't you, the list is endless".

Mo? Never?

Apart of course from the “if we were all like you life would be marvellous” bit.

Has any other nonHitler worshipping cult” bloggers received similar emails?

Anyway - this is what was sent to me probably via the email address on my blog today at 18.26 :-

Pull the other one

I am sorry but you sound to good to be true, you have to many fingers in to many pies and you certainly like to blow your own trumpet don't you, the list is endless. if we were all like you life would be marvellous.

Charles Atlas.

He asked for a read receipt which I sent and I also replied to the email with a short but sweet

“Oh well, you can’t win them all in a democracy!”.

NB: He actually seems more like the “Mad Hater” (no sic) than the “Cheshire Cat”?

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