Friday, January 15, 2010

Boris the "Bungling Builder" fails to provide homes for Londoners.

London Tory Mayor Boris “Bungle” Johnson was attacked yesterday for failing to build all the new homes he had promised while also trying to claim credit for new homes that had been started under Labour. He visited a new development in Labour run Council Greenwich and had the cheek to issue a press release claiming the credit for being responsible for this development and 20,000 new homes!

Labour's housing spokesperson on the London Assembly, Nicky Gavron first biff "You almost have to admire Boris’s chutzpah in taking credit for homes he has had nothing to do with. These were started long before he was in City Hall and if he had been in charge with the policies he has you can guarantee they wouldn’t have happened."

While Housing and Planning Minister John Healey goes bash “At a time when London’s need for new affordable homes has never been higher, the truth is the Mayor wants to cut back. He has powers that no other elected politician has, but he is not using his influence to the full. London needs an ambitious Mayor with ambitious plans for affordable housing if is to be a successful global city and a fair place to live.”

... and Leader of Greenwich Council Chris Roberts goes bosh “ We are delighted that Mayor Johnson should visit a housing development in Greenwich. Planning for the development began in 2006 when Greenwich Council agreed to sell the land to a housing association. Funding was then identified from central Government and Greenwich Council granted planning permission on 18 May 2008, within days of Mayor Johnson’s election.

“It is completely disingenuous for the Mayor to now claim this development is part of his own housing strategy for London which has in fact seen the axing of the 50% affordable housing target for new homes. He has also shown clear support for Conservative councils in west and central London to reduce or eliminate social housing from developments in their boroughs.”

Boris has been heavily criticised for breaking his key election pledge of building 50,000 new homes by 2011. Even the Evening Toryard here reported that 6,500 affordable homes have been started since Boris’s election and that at the current rate he would only deliver between 13,000 and 21,000 by May 2011 – between 30 and 37,000 short of what was promised.

Check out BBC reportTory troll and the Rainbow fansite's remarkably accurate rundown about Boris... Often described as an annoying six-foot, cross dressing bear, Bungle was always so self righteous, it's amazing that Zippy didn't slap him. However, judging by the ever changing appearance of the bear, it could be assumed that successive ursine do-gooders were dragged in as replacements when things got a little too hot for their predecessors. The perpetual school sneak, Bungle was always first in the queue to blame someone else (normally the Zipmeister) when things went wrong. The Jar-Jar Binks of the Rainbow household, Bungle is probably most famous for wandering around naked by day, only to pull on a pair of blue and white striped jimjams when it was time to climb the wooden ladder to Bedfordshire.

Character Most Likely To: End up amongst the foundations of Heathrow-on-Sea (if Darius Guppy has anything to do with it)


Anonymous said...

and yet Alan Benson, Ken's Housing Director is still advising Boris on housing.

Look at any Labour borough and the number of homes promised by many have not materialised because of the recession. Silvertown Quays in Newham for example, 5000 homes shelved late last year.

But facts, aye, never let facts get in the way

John Gray said...

Nah, this was Boris’s own target. He was given not only the planning powers but also the money to do something about London housing and has utterly failed. Instead he goes around trying to claim credit for stuff started under Ken.

Incredible! The Hammersmith & Fulham Tories did the same over projects started by the previous Labour Council.

No surprise really. If you haven’t actually done anything worth while...

Anonymous said...

I admire your party's quick retreat into opposition mode. Very commendable, as that will be your destiny.... deliciously soon .. .

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

You may have not realised (or be awake)that we are actually in opposition in London?

Nevermind - Boris will be toast in 2012 (if he lasts that long without doing something really stupid)