Monday, February 08, 2010

Re-elect Dave Prentis as UNISON General Secretary

Dave is standing for re-election as UNISON General Secretary and he has my full support and I am sure that of a majority of our members. He was elected for a 2nd term in 2005 with a 77% majority.

I strongly believe that Dave is a Labour movement fighter and believer who want a progressive, influential and campaigning union that actually delivers for members. Our bread and butter issues are pay, pensions, equality and jobs.

So who is best placed to deliver? Who can punch our weight? Who has the relevant experiences and talents? Who has the skills and knowledge? Who can unite and lead 1.4 million members through the very difficult economic and political times we find ourselves in?

I believe it is Dave Prentis.

Northern Ireland, Scotland and North West region have already voted to nominate Dave.

UPDATE: so has National Disabled members' committee.  Check out Facebook group Elect Dave Prentis

BTW - People will know by now that personally I have no time for ultra left extremists or their candidates. But if they get the 25 nominations needed it is their right to run and I look forward to some fun and games in the future with them and their politics.

However, I have had the misfortune to come across the usual breathtaking hypocrisy of a certain blogging commentator who has the blooming cheek to complain about the cut and thrust of debate over the GS election.  He pretends to be ultra holier than thou despite his past form for righteous sectarian bile?

Has he no mirrors?


Anonymous said...

The ultras are in a right old state.

Apparently their tactic is not to call for nominations at regional council meetings.

There are two reasons for this - 1, that although they are now backing Holmes, it's only for the duration of the nomination period (so he could be worthy of nominating but not actually backing in the election - how bizarre!); and 2, because they know they will look daft as rubber hammers when Dave Prentis gets proposed for nomination and the UUL mob end up proposing Holmes, the SP gang propose Bannister, and Creary gets mentioned by one of his dwindling band of supporters who forgets to actually propose him for nomination!

Fred Karno's Army, eh?

Anonymous said...

Gosh -i am intrigued. Who is the holier than thou blogger - I am racking my raddled brains to think who it could be? Kat

Anonymous said...

Yet again we see the blinkered vision of electing the dictator prentice. Can you not see that this union is no longer a "union" but a staff association. It hasn't changed much since it was Nalgo (Not a lot going on). How can you support someone who has no bite, a union with no clout. A leader wedded to the same party that is out to crush local government. A labour party that no longer listens to unions or the working man. We need a union that is going to fight not one that rolls over and waits for its stomach to be scratched. Get real.

John Gray said...

Hi Kat

I will give you a big clue. it is not Nick.

Hi daft anon

Don’t be so silly. On the one hand you claim that Dave is a “dictator” then on the other you claim he is has “no bite”. Do you understand the word “dictator”??? Apparently not.

There is a quite a few things you don’t understand either. How on earth can you criticise Dave for being “wedded to the Labour Party” when he has instrumental in freezing CDP's and other monies for Labour?

Are actually even a member of UNISON? I know that ignorance is bliss but this is taking things to an extreme!

What real members want is a union that not only fights when it has to but one that actually wins. We don’t want continual glorious defeats.

We want what is best for our members. They are not cannon fodder for ultra left extremists and bigots to play with and boss about.

Anonymous said...

Dear oh dear John. I am beginning to wonder if you actually exist, and that Prentis' lot just post up agit-prop for his cause.

Can you actually name one thing you disagree with Dave Prentis on?

Anonymous said...

Jon holier than thou ultra left? That idea doesn't seem to wash with the left of the left activists down there in Lambeth, who he's been trying to hound out for years even though they do all the organising and recruiting in his branch (according to sauces)?


Anonymous said...

lambeth baby trot

who is "sauces" and is this a catering school or a trade union branch.

Do you lot actually know the difference?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 00.34
I enjoy the irony of someone commenting anonymously about whether someone else exists or not?
Sometimes listening to Ultra left speeches at Regional Council or during NDC I do wonder whether we exist in the same world together or even universe?

I am sure that Dave and I disagree over certain things but can’t think of anything at the mo.

Anonymous said...

The fact that pond life like you hold any sort of position in our movement goes to show how passive and docile the membership are.

Like a cockraoch, if the full light of the membership were to glare on your virtual slacktivism, you'd be out of your 84 positions like a shot.

Not that UUL are in any way representative, but at least they are in this game based on their own (warped) political principles, rather than propping up their ego.

You must spend about 30 hours per week maintaing this blog attacking other activists. Surely members deserve better?

Good riddance!

Stuart, Glasgow

John Gray said...

Hi Stuart
If you are going to ‘ave a go you might as well say something original or even vaguely funny. I suggest you calm down and take a nice cold shower.

You be pleased to hear that I’m trying for a brand new position which if I am voted in will let me wear lots and lots more hats!

BTW - 30 hours a week on my blog? In my dreams...

ps I get these type of comments from time to time. For the record what sort of bigot are you? Far right or ultra left?

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

What are the rules on UNISON positions for elected councillors? Do they have to give any of them up?


Rob, Newham

John Gray said...

Hi Rob

Interesting question I think? But there are no formal UNISON “positions” on elected councillors?

What exactly do you mean?

Anonymous said...

If lovely "Dave" is all for a progressive and forward thinking union then why are the four socialist union officers still suspended for "racist" publications that even the investigation admitted were not intentionally or outwardly racist. Why now have four union branches been taken over by national officers because if anyone left of centre gains, they are cut down. Prentis is another New Labour puppet desperately seeking for some time in parliament

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

I don’t suppose you realise how ignorant and ill-informed you are?

Never mind, keep it up since you haven’t the faintest idea how repugnant our members find you and your union bashing views.

p.s did you hear the good news from London today? 23 nil (and its not rugby)