Wednesday, March 10, 2010

UNISON Million Voice “Guerrilla projection”

The Picture is from a projection against a direct building near St Thomas hospital, London on Monday evening. This was to bring home the likely impact of cuts in the public sector.

“Public buildings and major tourist attractions in London, Birmingham and Manchester will be lit up this week with the union's latest campaign advert.

The adverts – a 60 and 40 second film, one aimed at potential members and the other at the public – graphically depict the campaign's key theme: how life is changed for the worse when public sector jobs are cut.

"Public sector cuts are looming large, and UNISON's new ads shine a light on the story behind the facts and figures," says general secretary Dave Prentis.

"The human cost of cuts is people left without vital services. Emergency call centre operators, forensic experts, hospital porters, nurses and social workers all provide the services people need and rely on.

"Why should hard-working people pay for the recession when the bankers who caused this crisis are still getting billion pound bonuses? It is not right that services are being axed when the super-rich can bend the rules and avoid paying their fair share of tax."

Hat-tip LondonSE1


Anonymous said...

Why blame the bankers and then forget to blame the government?.

Everyone knows that boom is followed by bust, but this government and the banks never prepared for it.

John Gray said...

Hi anon

The government has hopefully learnt its lesson not to trust bankers again. But this was a international Bankers induced neo-liberal recession.